Average Summer Daily Traffic (Traffic volume for an ASDT shall include traffic travelling in both directions at a given point.)
Buffer Zone
The area from the end of the transition area to the actual work space.
Clear Zone
The border area starting at the edge of the travel lane that should be clear of hazards and available for use by errant vehicles.
Gazetted Highway Speed
The original highway speed.
High Speed, High Volume Highways
Urban highways on which the gazetted speed is greater than 60 km/hour and the ASDT exceeds 10,000 vehicles per day.
Long Duration Projects
Projects such as the construction of a new roadway or bridge, the reconstruction or resurfacing of an existing roadway and other similar types of work which last longer than a single day.
Low Speed, Low Volume Highways
Urban highways on which the gazetted speed is 60 km/hour or less and the ASDT is 10,000 vehicles or less per day.
Mobile Work Zone
Work Zones that involve work that is performed while moving continuously, usually at low speeds, or intermittently, with periodic stops which do not exceed a few minutes in duration
Rural Highway
Any highway under the jurisdiction of applicable Provincial Transportation located outside the corporate boundaries of an urban municipality.
Short Duration Projects
Projects which involve activities for which the traffic disruption lasts no more than a single day and is not undertaken during hours of darkness.
Traffic Control Devices
Temporary signing, traffic control signals, arrow boards, pavement markings, delineators, message boards, etc., used for traffic accommodation in the Work Zone.
Urban Highway
Any highway under the jurisdiction of Provincial Transportation located within the corporate boundaries of a municipality.
Utility Company
The person(s) installing, adjusting, maintaining or relocating a utility within the highway right-of-way.
Work Area
The area or location of the actual traffic disruption or hazard. There may be several Work Areas within the Work Zone.
Work Zone
The area extending from the first advance warning sign to the last construction sign.